Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Days 3 & 4 spent at the Drurys

Friday & Saturday, March 14 & 15:  We spent the next couple days with Julie's cousin Don Drury (Donny) and his family.  The first day Don spent most of it working on the trailer, thanks to Donny, his garage and power tools, and close proximity to the local home depot.  He reinforced the racking for the box on top of the trailer to elevate all the rocking and rolling, and changed the front blinker in the van...already...

Nice job Don!  Steel reinforcements!

We also needed to take a few minutes to reorganize the van.  Turns out that with the trailer on the back we could not easily open and get in and out of the back of the van.  We shifted around all the gear in the trailer for weight distribution and to keep gear we don't use daily in the back.

Rain was coming down...we were happy to be out of it!

Best part of these couple days was some good old Texan hospitality.....a nice bed, shower, good meals and company.  Also we averted our first rainstorm of the trip.  Thanks Donny, Kathy and family!  We really appreciated the time spent in Allen!

The Drury Family:  Zach, Drew, Ryan, Don, Lizzie and Kathy

Don & Sheba

Collaborating....and discussing business ideas!

Julie & Don


  1. Mom and I testing comments

  2. Great reading. Sounds like your time spent in Allen was time very well spent. It is so great to have this blog to check in on you. Mom
