Saturday, March 22, 2014

Day 7 We finally saw the Ocean....

The Reservoir at Blanco State Park

We woke up in Blanco State Park, in Blanco Texas.  Blanco State Park was pretty uneventful so it was good that the plan was to move out and head for the coast....destination South Padre Island.  A spot Don has wanted to visit forever!  We decided it would take the "scenic" route and go to Laredo, Texas (a mexican border town) and travel along the Rio Grande to Padre Island.

But first stop was Home Depot again....after a couple evenings of cooking from the box (we definitely owe pictures of all the trailer features I know), we decided we needed a shelf and once Don got it in his head, it had to be done! So he built a temporary shelf in the parking lot and he wil  build a better one once we are back in Denver (this is just one of many Denver projects).  I think this was the 3rd Home Depot visit so far.  (But the shelf has made Julie very happy as it has really helped out with the "kitchen").
Another parking lot fix!

So finally we were off to Laredo and the Rio Grande.  Well...unfortunately the Rio Grande "scenic" drive was not all that.  We got some laughs driving through Laredo, but the views of the Rio Grande were pretty non-existent!   One or two crossings at best!

The Rio Grande
The ride was long and hot...the temperature was nearing 90 degrees!    Quite different from the temps we were experiences in Denver not too long ago.  Funny thing was....the AC wasn't working.  Neither of us remember checking it when we bought the van....He says it just needs time will tell if that is the case!  We hope!

Finally we came to the bridge which was the crossover to Padre Island and our first real sighting of the Gulf of Mexico!   And what was the name of it?  Queen Isabella! (Hence several pictures of the bridge) And how fitting as it was March 18th which would have been Isabella's 11th birthday!  For those of you that don't know, Julie lost her beloved dog, Isabella, last Christmas.  Instead of coming on the journey she is our little angel watching over us.  She has been on this journey with us in spirit!  

First Stop on Padre Island was to get a shot of the sunset

After a long day of driving we finally reached our destination, Isla Blanca Park on South Padre Island.  It was cold, dark and windy when we parked at our spot.  We were tired and hungry.  Julie made a quick pot of taco chili, we ate it in the trailer with a few cocktails, toasted Isabella and called it a night!  As I am now.....more about Padre tomorrow!
Julie and IzzyBear 


  1. Good pic of Don with his last project. Glad he is taking care of you. I didn't remember Izzy's birthday but I am thinking of her I guess. I called Skittles Izzy just a couple of days ago. Mom

  2. Hhhmm left two comments and they didn't show up. Anyway LOVE the sunset pictures! And I thought of you on Izzy's birthday! :( Miss her! Glad you toasted to her and it looks like you're having fun! Love ya!

  3. Queen Isabella Memorial Bridge on her birthday...very cool! Looks like you're having a great time! Mom told me about the blog :)

  4. Thanks for the updates/glad you are having a nice time. Good luck with the A/C!
    Drive safe/have fun! :-)

  5. Great bridge pictures, keep those bridge pictures coming…interesting coincidence regarding the name and Izzy's birthdate…think you should set a goal to visit every Home Depot along the way...
