Sunday, March 30, 2014

Mountain Bike Riding on the Beach?

Thursday, March 20, 2014:  Mustang Island, Texas

So last night when we pulled in we decided that it was time to spend a few days in one place.  There was lots to do here and we needed a break from the traveling and such.  So we made reservations for a few more nights and decided to stay here for a bit.  First on the agenda was to get out the mountain bikes and hit the beach with Sheba in tow!

Don is getting the bikes ready for a ride

Riding on the beach was a first for all of us.  It was something neither of us expected to do, but it sure was fun!  However since Sheba was with us we couldn't go too far so we road about 3 miles down the beach...played for bit and headed back to camp.

Back at camp we made a quick lunch of PB&J sandwiches....which have pretty much become a staple for us on this trip.  And then we spit up.  Don went back out for a ride and Julie went for a walk on the beach.


The beach was only a short walk from camp and there were a few granite rock jetties just down the beach.  Julie explored them a bit on her own but then we all went out there after dinner for a moonlight walk on the beach!  It was a beautiful setting!

Back at camp Don  befriended our new neighbor.  Seems he had a trailer (2 feet longer) that he too had converted into a camper trailer.  They were showing off their individual trailers and sharing ideas.    Don then decided it was time to get the shower out.  We hadn't used it yet on the trip so he set it up for its inaugural use.  Must say that is was nicer than many of the showers we had used in the campgrounds.

Overall our first day on Mustang Island was a success.  Mountain biking and hanging out on the beach, sunburns and an exciting dinner of tuna mac and salad.   It was our first full day of fun, no driving and no work per se.  Just a day to soak it up and realize why we were doing this!   

Don trying some of Sheba's banana treats!


  1. Sounds like one of your best days so far! Good that you stayed put a few days! You need to just enjoy!! Love ya!
    Missed you at the Sharks vs. Avs game! Jonah cheered his head off for you! But thankfully we beat the Sharks anyway! ;) Talk to you soon!
    Love Teresa

  2. Glad to hear of your leisurely day and hope to hear of more in the future. Also looking for alligator pics. ��Mom

  3. Looking good, sounds like it is a blast. Did you get into the ocean at all, is it warm enough at this time of year?
    Scott Burcham

  4. What an adventure!!! Your updates have been wonderful, full of the little details all of us "rooted" people like to hear :-) Stay safe, have fun!!!
