Thursday, April 10, 2014

Lake Fausse Pointe State Park

On Tuesday, March 25th we got up late, made a nice breakfast of eggs and potatoes and coffee, cleaned up around camp, showered, did laundry (since it was free) and headed off to the next park.    First we did chat with Caroline for a bit and let the dogs play.  Sheba has not had so much fun on the trip.  The two were chasing each other all over that morning.  She was definitely happy dogging!

Caroline, Gypsy and Rosie (the van)
And I forgot to share our raccoon story....while sitting around the campfire last night we were about 10 feet from the trailer and there was a ruckess.  Don got up and scared off a raccoon, saving our cereal in the process, which he got a few feet away with.  However, we realized today that the little bugger actually got away with a whole loaf of bread!  No sandwiches for lunch today!

One tired pup after playing with Gypsy!
Sheba playing with Gypsy!

Once the laundry was done, it was time to hit the to our next Louisana State Park.   It was backroads again....but these backroads were not kind to an already unstable trailer.  The rails were beginning to rip on the sides.  So it was time to stop at a home depot again.  Unfortunately there wasn't one on the road, but Julie did find an ACE Hardware.  Unfortunately in the small town of St. Martinville.  We did our next fix on the side of the road in town across from a bail bonds place.  We were anxious to get out of town and hopeful that this would finally do the trick!   Don bought several steel rods to place in the rails.

And we were off on the road again.....

And we finally made it to Lake Fausse Pointe State Park.  We set up camp and went for a walk to check out the park and figure out what we would do tomorrow.

Lake Fausse

When we got back to camp we heated up a bunch of leftovers and climbed in the trailer for a movie!  Not before having a few visitors.  When we were out having dinner we looked out in the woods just out of our campground and there were dozens of eyes starring back.  We believe a pack of bobcats were moving through our camp.  We watched but put Sheba in the trailer...once they moved through we didn't see them again.

The next morning....I will have to say was probably our first real fight.  It wasn't over anything in particular....I think we were both just a bit overwhelmed with everything and lack of sleep didn't help!  We actually split up for the day.  Don took off on his mountain bike and Julie and Sheba set off for the same trails on foot!  I think it helped us both to get in some exercise and split up for awhile.  

Campsite at Lake Fausse
Here are some more pictures of the very picturesque park...

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