Monday, April 14, 2014

Our day in New Orleans was spent in the rain...

On Friday, March 28th we got up with one main fix the trailer and fix it for good.  We found another Home Depot (we actually had to hit two) to rent an angle grinder and buy some tube steel rods.  

While waiting in the car in the Home Depot lot the sky opened up and the rain began to dump. Julie's iPhone warned of flash flooding for the next few hours and it really proved correct.
Streets were flooding in minutes...

Back at camp Don got to work on the trailer and Julie made lunch and worked on the blog.   To fix the trailer Don ground holes the tubular steel to place the rods in the rails of the trailer and have the racking sit in the holes of the steel rods. After grinding the holes we put the steel in place.    After all the temporary fixes it proved that we needed to take the time and do it right!  Because we have not had any further problems with the racking!

Every few minutes the rain would start up and we would take a break in the van....try to make the best of the bad day!

After working on the trailer Don started some laundry.  In the laundry room we met a gentleman, Emeril,  who was born and raised in New Orleans, had lived for years in Califorina and recently moved back.  He was very profound and had a lot of advise for us.  We probably chatted with him for an hour.  He sure changed the mood for us today and gave us further appreciation for what we are doing and that we are doing it together.    

That night in camp we also saw a small black panther.  We weren't 100% sure that is what it was until we read that their were some in the area....It was definitely curious about us, it kept showing up throughout the evening.  

That was about it for the day....It was a major accomplishment though because it seems we really did fix the trailer because we have not had to do anything to it since!  

Boy did it rain overnight too!  We woke several times to the thunderstorms.  It sounded like it was just above our heads....That morning we woke up to flooding around the park!

This is not a lake!
Kayaks were filled with water

Final trip to Home Depot to drop off the angle grinder....SUCCESS!

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