Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Our Last Full Day in Texas

Saturday March 22nd was our last full day in Texas and was all work and no play...Julie found a Walmart that was within 10 miles of camp, jumped in the van and left Don behind to tackle on cleaning up camp.  She bought a small vacuum and groceries.  Now that we had the frig working again, we could buy some perishables.  But the real urgent need was the vacuum.  It seemed like half the sand from the beach had ended up in the van and trailer.

After cleaning up we hit the road....destination: Rest area outside Winnie, Texas.  Not very exciting but we wanted to put in some miles and save on a nights camping charges.  Besides Texas has some nice rest areas.  (Funny the things that you consider on the road).  And along the way Julie found a Laundromat in Refugio, Texas.  Frankly after getting there she was wishing she hadn't found it, but what do you do.  We need to clean the sheets,  blankets and some clothes.  Don left behind most of his t-shirts and shorts so until we can get him some clothes we will be doing a lot of laundry.   So the stopped in the very small and depressed town of Refugio to do our laundry.

Only picture of the day!

The rest of the day and into the evening we drove....through Houston (sorry Michael, we didn't even stop) and headed for the border and the rest stop at Winnie, Texas.  It was a stressful evening with the box on the trailer.   Seems the rails were starting to rip and the bad roads through Houston did not help.  Don proclaimed the roads to be worse than Denver (sorry again Michael).   But we finally pulled into the rest area about 10pm, almost 2400 miles driven, we climbed into the trailer, wrestled with fan and got some shut eye.

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