Monday, April 14, 2014

MISSISSIPPI (or is it Missipie?)

On Saturday, March 28th we made it to Mississippi.   It was only about 150 miles to the Gulf National Seashore which was just past Biloxi, in Ocean Springs.  But we did have to go a bit out of the way because we wanted to crossed the Lake Pontchartrain Bridge....the longest continuous bridge over water in the was 24 miles long!  There wasn't much to see really...but we did get a show from the kids on the bus!

Lake Pontchartrain Bridge
What is he doing?
Julie...always snapping pictures on the road....

The beach along Mississippi

This is for you Jonah....we drove past this
place while you were cheering on the Sharks
at the Avs game!

Just driving through Misssissippi we were already liking it!  Both of us felt connected to the place....

Our next campsite was on the Gulf Islands National Seashore,
the Davis Bayou.
Is that a turtle crossing sign?

Our new campsite....
 After settling in....we didn't really have any food so we decided it was Saturday night and time to go out again.  Get some local flavor.  Well this time Julie found a fun BBQ and Blues Joint.  We walked around the place was all decorated with old recycled stuff.

Yes....even pictures in the bathroom...

Top of the Toilet...

We were entertained with dancing....
although no one is dancing in the picture

Another fun night on the town!  We really enjoyed the spot and the night!  Good food, good beer and lots of fun....lots of pictures too!

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