Monday, April 14, 2014

What did the Gulf Shores have to offer?

We spent the next couple days here....kayaking, biking and getting eaten alive by "no-see-ums" (Don in particular).    Up first was kayaking with the alligators (and adolphin too)

Before we even get in the water....there sits an alligator....funny how things
change because we got in our kayaks (with Sheba) and took off from there.

The water was very brackish...(mix of fresh and salt water)...while we started in the swamp we did verture out to the Gulf some...where we spotted a dolphin.

Sheba chilling behind Don on the kayak.

 All was going well until we started back and under the bridge.  We knew something was on the other side because people we standing and pointing from the bridge.  And sure enough...there was the biggest gator we had seen yet....sunning himself on the side.    Don kept moving thru with Sheba...Julie snapped this photo.  But as she was she passing the gator she got a bit of scare as a fish jumped out of the water.  She was startled and the people on the bridge all got a good laugh.  Yes....but who was in the water with the gator?
The big guy....
A few minutes later we saw a small one.

And there was the original gator...still hanging near the boat launch.

So after loading up the kayaks we drove over to the bridge to get a good look at the big gator....he was BIG!  Funny....because we saw him in that general area a lot more then next few days....clearly this was his territory.

So...we think the microwave went kaputt during the electrical storms in New needless to say we had to make a Walmart run for groceries and a new microwave.

 Then it was time to get a campfire going....with hopes that it will help with the "no-see-ums".  Don couldn't afford to get anymore bites.    Again, the wood was wet so it took quite awhile to light...gas and motor oil included.....but finally we had a nice fire going.

The next morning we got up and got the bikes out.  There was a mapped out bike route that was 15 miles that took you through the park, along the coast and through town.  We figured it would give us a good opportunity to get around and see the town.  It was a perfect day for it!

Shots along the way.....

 The ride through town was really fun....and the houses were really cool.....

A large 4 panel mosaic exhibit along the way....Julie had to stop and take a bunch of photos..

Some details...

Time to stop for some ice cream in an old school drugstore..

Sheba...back at camp...
When we got back we decided to take Sheba for a walk around the park....

We thoroughly enjoyed our time in Mississippi and if it weren't for the "no-see-ums" it would have been perfect!  Definitely a place to return too!


  1. Thanks for all the great pictures/short stories Julie! :-) I had to look up "no-see-ums." Those little buggers are a pest for sure. Hope you continue to have a great time!! Vince

  2. These were the best pictures so far. Mississippi...who would have guesses? Mom
